The main output of the project will be the development of 5 Business Clubs in the 5 libraries included in the project.
In order for the Business Clubs to be operational and effective certain additional/ supporting outputs will be delivered:
- Identification of the entrepreneurial status of the participating areas/ regions & strategic analysis on the entrepreneurial focus for the c/b area, based on RIS 3 and relevant documents elaborated or supported by the EU.
- Elaboration of educational material and development of a business model for the participating entrepreneurs/ start-uppers
- Development of a web information system for the new entrepreneurs that includes: access to sectoral and business libraries, search of good business practices, e-learning system, networking with other entrepreneurs and an electronic application for the simulation of business management and administration. This will guide the start-uppers towards a fruitful initiation of their business.
- A pilot action where the support of at maximum 5 start-ups through each Business Club will be monitored
- Trainings for the start-uppers
- Study visits among the business clubs for the interaction of the start-uppers and the enhancement of their business cooperation.
- A business contest will take place and the winner will get additional support by specialized external experts
- 1 cross-border partnership for local development
- Local info-days on both sides of the border for the information of the local stakeholders and a final conference
The estimations of the project’s effect is to provide non financial support to least 25 start-ups during project duration and to double it within 5 years, including start-ups other than those of the pilot action.